“ANA” Launch

Tip de proiect

Uniqa Insurance



Introducing ANA, the first virtual assistant for claims notification



We had to make sure that a revolutionary service was going to receive the proper attention right from the beginning. ANA, the first virtual assistant for claims notification, was a premiere for the Romanian public – and we had to make sure that the first journalists who experienced it understood it correctly… and completely.

We planned a creative event that would educate as well as inform and entertain. The press event took place in a 4D cinema theatre, but we made sure not to disclose the subject from the first minutes. The climax was a 4D video simulating a car accident, which helped us immerse the participants in the experience and induce the genuine emotions of such a confusing moment. The reveal included a lot of video content, explaining step-by-step the advantages and functionalities of the virtual assistant.

More than 20 journalists and content creators were present, not just from the tech area but also appealing to a less-than-obvious public: parents – a creative PR approach 😊




96 mentions in the press, on social media and blogs.

ANA was presented correctly in every aspect – tech innovation as well as benefits for the final user.

The digital assistant was accessed over 15.000 times following the campaign.



